Golden Retriever Vs Labrador Retriever

Golden Retriever Vs Labrador Retriever – 6 Facts

Retrievers are often sought after for their skills and capabilities in hunting out objects, whether inanimate or otherwise. These retriever dogs, in general, have been used for hunting small-time games, although now they are generally used for more straightforward tasks or for locating purposes such as finding out a lost object.

Retrievers are great gundogs who are great at various tasks, whether being an assistance dog or a companion dog. This article in the specification will be dealing with two dogs of retriever types: Golden Retriever vs Labrador retriever. Keep reading below to know how these two dog breeds are different yet similar to each other to clear out your confusion!

Golden Retriever Vs Labrador Difference

Golden retrievers vs Labrador retrievers can be the same in many aspects as both breeds are sporting dog breeds that have been bred for hunting, but there are some differences that one may only be able to notice if they look a bit closer:

  • Golden retrievers have a slightly longer snout as compared to the Labradors.
  • Golden retrievers come in only “Gold” shades, unlike Labradors, who come in black, chocolate, or yellow colors.
  • Golden retrievers have a flat or wavy coat, whereas Labradors have a short yet slightly dense double coat.

Besides these, a Golden retriever and a Labrador aren’t so different. However, some of their specific temperament or agility may depend on their genes and how they are given nutrition and exercise.

Golden Retriever Vs Labrador Temperament

On the temperament side, the good news is that both Labrador and Golden retrievers are nearly the same in this aspect. However, a Golden retriever may remain slightly calmer and more composed. Both these dogs are the friendliest breeds to come across. Despite being bred for hunting, these dogs generally have a friendly disposition and won’t have much trouble with strangers meeting them.

While such a thing can make handling these retrievers easier for an owner, it also means that these dogs won’t be good watchdogs or guard dogs, for that matter; one might even be able to lure them in with a treat or two on the contrary. These dogs are also more active dog breeds and will need constant mental stimulation to avoid becoming miserable and destructive.

In general, terms, while Golden retriever vs Labrador retriever may come into a slight stalemate here, it is essential to note that as long as you getting your retrievers a good ol’ exercise while treating them at various points, you will have a reasonably good time with them.

Golden retriever Vs Labrador Energy           

On the energy side, the golden retriever is more or less a medium-high energy dog, which implies that they may either skip a day of workout or hassle you by making them go out for a walk in the park or do some other high-end activities.

On the other hand, a Labrador is an all-out high-energy dog and won’t stand for idling around; on the contrary, you will have to make sure that these dog breeds get their fair share of exercises, or else you will get to experience some of their destructiveness.

In simple terms, a Golden retriever vs a Labrador retriever may generally come around to a golden retriever regarding their energy level. A Labrador will generally want activities throughout the day. In contrast, a Golden retriever would be a more reserved yet still outgoing dog breed who may prefer activities as opposed to idling around at home and doing nothing.

Golden Retriever Vs Labrador Size

A Golden retriever is a medium-sized dog of muscular build, whereas a Labrador can be large while being just as muscular, if not more.

A Golden retriever’s size is around 21.5-24 inches, while they weigh around 55-75 pounds. On the other hand, a Labrador retriever is around 21.5-24.5 inches in size while weighing around 55-80 pounds. This, therefore, concludes that a Golden retriever and a Labrador retriever relatively come close in size, although the Labrador overtakes the Golden retriever by just a bit.

So, what about the size of a Golden retriever vs a Labrador retriever? Besides this, both dogs are nearly equal in sizing and weight. You may also check the retrievers for health issues to ensure their growth is not somehow stunted due to an infection or overfeeding of unnatural, artificial commercial foods.

Golden Retriever Vs Labrador Shedding

What about Golden retriever vs Labrador retriever in terms of shedding? Thanks to its medium-sized double coat, a Golden retriever can shed a lot throughout the year while shedding in large amounts during the shedding season.

This may or may not sit well with those who are unable to afford professional groomers or are not up to the task of cleaning those fur balls of shining, golden hair.

Labradors have a weather or waterproof coat; they, too, shed their double coats in a rather heavy manner despite their short size and will “Blow” their coats when the shedding season comes, which may be during the spring season. This heavy shedding can happen twice a year, which may also not be the best choice for you if you are looking for a low-maintenance dog.

Therefore, a Golden retriever vs Labrador retriever shedding generally appears nearly the same. If you have the finances, you may look to either groom them yourself or get a professional groomer to ensure that these dogs do not shed profusely throughout the year.

Golden Retriever Vs Labrador Intelligence

In terms of intelligence, a Golden retriever vs a Labrador retriever will come close, that is to say, that both dog breeds are highly intelligent due to their upbringing as a hunting dog. However, a Golden retriever may have the upper hand here as they are rated as the 4th most intelligent dog breed, whereas the Labrador lies the 7th.

In general, both dogs are highly trainable and won’t be stubborn when doing a task or listening to their owner; both are also capable of working as emotional dogs or service dogs, depending on the owner.

If you are looking for a highly obedient dog who will pick up words and commands faster, you may, unfortunately, will have to move over Labrador, for the Golden retriever has the edge here with one of the finest swords there is.

Conclusion: Golden Retriever Vs Labrador Retriever Which Is Best

In terms of attributes, both Golden retrievers and Labrador retrievers are identical with slight differences such as coloring or size along with differences in their coats which may be conflicting for you.

But if you are looking for an intelligent dog breed, a Golden retriever might be your likely choice as they are faster and quicker in picking up commands than a Labrador. However, a Labrador may slightly come across as barely easier to handle in terms of grooming as they have a shorter coat size than a Golden retriever.

Ultimately, both breeds will also suffer from various health issues common to dog breeds, such as hip dysplasia, canine bloat, etc………… You will have to look up a good dog breeder to ensure that the dog breed you are getting is healthy.

So, Golden retriever vs Labrador retriever? Finally, a Golden retriever may have the one up against a Labrador based on intelligence, for which you may get this one or give the Labrador a chance for their more outgoing personality.

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